
The St Anne’s MCR is run by an annually elected group of students (the MCR Committee), financed by the college, and under the guidelines set out in its Constitution.

MCR Meetings

The Committee runs regular MCR meetings during term time. The General Meetings usually take place 2-3 times a term and are a good opportunity to discuss life in College, how to spend the MCR’s budget, and how the MCR should be run. All MCR members (not just the Committee) are invited and may vote on issues discussed, and everyone has the opportunity to provide suggestions, proposals, and feedback. The Committee does not hold separate meetings; all business is discussed at regular MCR meetings.

Submit a motion

Please use the template below to put forward a motion for the MCR General Meetings. Motions must:

  • Be seconded by a member or associate member of the MCR;
  • Be submitted to the Secretary ( no less than forty-eight hours before the meeting

Any member or associate member of the MCR may propose and vote on a motion.

Minutes 2023 – 2024

Trinity Term 2024

Hilary Term 2024

Michaelmas Term 2023

Minutes 2022 – 2023

Trinity Term 2023

Hilary Term 2023

Michaelmas Term 2022

Please find the audit report of the MCR 2021-2022 account below

Minutes from our previous meetings can be found in our Archive folder.




The MCR Committee is elected in the 6th Week of Michaelmas. Please find the full regulations in our Constitution.

Annual General Meeting

Hustings usually take place during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) during the 6th week of Michaelmas Term. During the AGM, outgoing committee officers submit a report of their work, and candidates present a manifesto detailing their plans for the upcoming year. Elections take place online. Invitations and the call for nominations will be sent out by the Secretary in advance.


All MCR members and associate members are eligible to stand for any MCR post, provided that:

  • They submit a manifesto detailing their plans for the upcoming year (see call for nominations)
  • Their nomination is seconded by another MCR member or associate member
  • Only female members of the MCR may stand for the post of Women’s Officer
  • Only ethnic minority members of the MCR may stand for the posts of EM Officer
  • Associate members of the MCR may not stand for the posts of the executives (President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer)