Your MCR committee is here to maintain and improve the graduate experience here in St. Anne’s within the MCR and with College administration. We are responsible for organising all kinds of events for graduates; for maintaining MCR facilities such as the common room, IT room, and tea and coffee; for supporting academic work; and for student welfare. For more information on the MCR and our activities, visit our MCR life section.
The committee runs regular MCR general meetings during term time (noted on our term card). In these meetings, we decide how to spend the MCR’s budget and how best to implement our ideas for running the MCR. All MCR members (not just the committee) are invited and may vote on issues discussed, and everyone can put forward suggestions and proposals and give feedback.
Committee members also participate in college-level meetings concerning academic affairs, accommodation, college facilities, welfare, etc., and make suggestions we believe will cater to your needs.

We always seek members to join the committee and contribute to any aspect of graduate life at St Anne’s, even if you’re only here for one year!