St Anne’s Academic Review

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Open-Access Journal

The St Anne’s Academic Review (STAAR) is an open-access journal. All content is freely available without charge to the users or their institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

Quality Control

Review process

All research articles and field reviews from Issue 8 (2018) onwards undergo a process of open review.

Book/film/event reviews (including SPARK Reviews) and creative writing continue to be subject to editorial review, as all articles prior to Issue 9.

Average time between submission and publication: 6 months.
SPARK reviews are normally published online within 2 months from submission of the final piece.

Our review process:

Our research and field review articles undergo a quality check in the form of an open review. This means that the online version of the article is published together with its reviews, and that reviewers’ names are publicly visible. During the review period, which typically lasts between 2 and 6 weeks, the articles are displayed on our website as pre-prints and are shared on social media to encourage comments and feedback. We invite selected reviewers directly via email, and also accept spontaneous reviews, as long as the reviewer fulfills the criteria below.

Criteria for reviewers:

1) Reviewers need to have academic (PhD or above) or professional experience in the article’s field of study;

2) A reviewer cannot have published or closely collaborated with the author of the article in the last 3 years.

Guidelines for reviewers:

Conflicts of interest: having publications with the author, or closely collaborating with the author in such roles as supervisor, co-researcher, funding provider, or in any other condition that might influence your judgement of the article. If you have a conflict of interest you are still welcome to review the piece, as long as you declare it in the review form.
Recommendations are defined as:

Accept: The article is ready for publication, no changes are needed.

Minor corrections: Small changes which can be addressed in 2-3 weeks, for example amending citations, changing sentences, adding in a small section.

Major corrections: Larger as well as smaller changes which may need 3-6 weeks to complete. For example, rewriting a whole section or restructuring the whole article.

Reject: The article is not scholarly accurate and should not be considered for publication. When rejecting a piece, please explain your reasoning to the editors in the ‘Reviewers’ comments to editors’ box. Suggestions of rejection that are not justified will not be taken into consideration.
For more information, please see our 2020 Due Diligent Report written by the STAAR Editorial Team.

For any doubt or question, please contact the Editor-in-chief.

Intellectual Property and Plagiarism

As members of an academic community, we uphold intellectual honesty and treat the authors’ work with scholarly respect.

The content of each article published in STAAR – facts, arguments and opinions – represents the views of its author alone, and the author is uniquely and fully responsible. All our articles are licensed under a Creative Commons CC-BY licence, which allows others to distribute, rework, and build upon the article’s content for any lawful purpose, as long as they credit the author for the original creation. The copyright for each article remains with its author. The author also retains publishing rights without restrictions.

The use of someone else’s work, data, ideas or material without proper acknowledgement, whether intentionally or unintentionally done, constitutes plagiarism. Authors pledge to submit their original work, with all borrowings and citations accurately referenced. The editors of St Anne’s Academic Review, the MCR or the college cannot be held responsible for any plagiarism or copyright violation committed by the authors.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to Contact Us.