The MCR provides a wide range of academic resources to supplement those offered by the college. For any question or suggestion, please do get in touch with our Academic Affairs Officers at Make sure you stay connected with us and see our term cards for upcoming academic events!


St Anne’s Academic Review (STAAR)

Publication every year in September

The St Anne’s Academic Review is an annual interdisciplinary publication run by St. Anne’s graduate students. It features research articles, opinion pieces, field reviews, creative writing, book and event reviews from all disciplines written by St Anne’s members (JCR, MCR, SCR). Its goals are to facilitate the dissemination of scholarly knowledge and to showcase to the wider public the college’s intellectual activity of the year.

Shut Up and Write

The MCR organizes co-working sessions once a week in the Study Room of the main building. Pastries, tea, and coffee are provided – come along to enjoy some quiet study time, and occasional coffee breaks in the kitchen.

Interdisciplinary Discussion Groups (IDGs)

The IDGs allow students in fields which have often little contact to come together in an informal setting and discuss research, both within and without their own subject, from a variety of disciplinary viewpoints – a rare and valuable opportunity. Academics, artists, authors, scientists, and experts from all fields are invited to spark up the discussion; in the past, we have welcomed Lord John Krebs, Lord Robert Winston, Edwina Currie, Philip Pullman, and Alice Smith. Coffee, tea, and a free sandwich lunch are offered by the college, with both meat and vegetarian options. Please do not hesitate to get in touch for any other dietary requirement.

Annual Graduate Symposium

The MCR organizes an annual postgraduate research symposium, during which students can showcase their research. The afternoon is organized in panels, during which students present their research and discuss it with the audience. The audience elects the best speaker, and the day is concluded with drinks and a Speakers Dinner.

Subject-Family Events

Twice a term, Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre (MOLT)

College normally organizes two Subject Family Dinners per term, one for humanities and one for sciences, though all students are welcome to attend both events irrespective of their field. The evening begins with three short presentations by fellows and DPhils, followed by drinks and a free buffet dinner in hall.

Scholarships and Grants

St Anne’s offers a number of Graduate Scholarships, Graduate Development Scholarships and Travel and Research Grants. Information on the application process is circulated by the college in Hilary Term (HT) each year. Please see the College’s Graduate Scholarships page for full details on the awards available.

The MCR Research & Travel Grant

The MCR also helps with funding related to travel for research or conferences, in addition to the college grants. Each term, the college’s Academic Office forwards unsuccessful or partially successful applications for travel grants to the MCR Academic Affairs Officer for review and potential further funding. The MCR fund is worth about £500 a term and is distributed between as many applicants as possible by a selection committee consisting of the academic officers, treasurer, and sometimes other involved committee members.

Selection Criteria and Funds

Any current postgraduate student at St Anne’s is eligible to apply. On average, we aim to assign:

  • 50 GBP for presenting a paper
  • 40 GBP for a research trip
  • 30 GBP for presenting a poster
  • 20 GBP for attending courses or conferences

Please note that these amounts may vary depending on the availability of resources and individual circumstances.

How to Apply

See the College Travel Grants page for details on how to apply.