AcadeMix Intercollegiate Conference 2021 – 2nd edition

With St Catherine’s & Worcester


St Anne’s, St Catherine’s and Worcester are excited to announce the second edition of Academix 2021, an interdisciplinary and intercollegiate conference aimed at enabling postgrads to share their research in an engaging manner with a non-specialist audience.

At our first edition in Trinity week 3, we played host to a great line-up of talks from classics and philology to economics and genetics and now we’re back at it again. If you’d like to present your research, send us an abstract (max. 350 words) of your proposed topic by Monday, June 21 2021. We will notify selected presenters the very same week. 

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your college’s MCR Academic Rep/s via the email addresses below. 

Best wishes,

Sydelle De Souza – St Catherine’s (

James Cogbill – Worcester College ( )

Evmorfia Dalietou, Virgínia Casablancas Antràs and Ramani Chandramohan – St Anne’s (