Message from your MCR Equalities Team
As one of the first places to provide access to an Oxford education to women and international students, St Anne’s College has treasured the diversity of its students from the very beginning, and has let it be known that they have a place in here. St Anne’s MCR holds with these values of inclusion and diversity, and is firmly dedicated to advocating and supporting students from all backgrounds and identities.
We recognize that Oxford still has a great deal of work to do to dismantle pervasive institutional prejudices such as racism, classism, and the stigmatisation of mental health issues and physical disabilities. Our MCR is committed to doing its part in the fight to dismantle all systems of oppression, within the college, the University and the larger community of Oxford. We stress that prejudice and discrimination are not tolerated by
either the MCR Committee or the thoughtful, passionate students that make up the MCR as a whole.
We strive to create a safe and fully respectful space for BAME/BIPOC students, LGBTQ+ students, students of different socio-economic and educational backgrounds, students with long-term physical or mental health conditions and learning or social difficulties, international students, and all students who feel that they may not fit the “traditional Oxford” mould. We continue to work tirelessly to provide the resources, support, and platforms our students need to feel heard, valued and included for as long as they are part of this community. We recognise that as part of the institution of the University of Oxford, it is our responsibility and privilege to openly and loudly fight for a more equal and equitable world, and this starts with respecting, celebrating and defending the diversity of our fellow students.
We wholeheartedly encourage you to reach out to your EM Rep, LGBTQ+ Rep, Women’s Rep, Equalities Rep, and indeed any member of the Committee whenever you have questions or concerns about the environment as a St Anne’s graduate student; we wish to make your experience at St Anne’s as inclusive and diverse as you deserve it to be. We
also encourage anyone who wishes to join the MCR Committee team to get in touch and volunteer! We currently have vacancies in the equalities team and hope to be recruiting for the full-time positions in the fall MCR elections. Together we can continue to make St Anne’s a home where all students feel welcomed.